Kristen Barry
Kris has delivered communications outcomes for a wide range of Australian and Asia Pacific clients, in sectors such as government, professional services, health, telco and resources.
Kris is an accredited trainer who has guided hundreds of managers and staff in clear communication skills: “Kris is a great facilitator; the session was very engaging.” … “Informative, authoritative, inclusive.” … “Kris did a great job of managing the room, bringing out responses and relating back to our work.”
Before founding Fourth Pillar in 2010, Kris led communications and marketing teams for leading brands and worked for several years as a journalist. She had also served as the media adviser to a federal cabinet minister.
Kris builds long-term relationships via strategic counsel and measured advice: “It was an absolute pleasure to work with Kris; she was professional, patient and considerate of what we wanted.”